Carrot Salsa, As Seen on Fox 40

Carrot Salsa

This is one of my favorites, especially for summer. I make over 20 batches during the summer months and jar them. The longer it rests in the vinegar the more it pickles and combines. I recommend putting it to add sweet, acid, and a hint of spice to any Mexican inspired dishes. 


2 cups Shredded carrots

1/2 Onion rough chopped

1/2 bunch Cilantro with stems

1 Habanero 

1 Fresno

1 Serrano

1 cup Distilled Vinegar

1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

7 cloves garlic



1. Rough chop all vegetables and put in the blender.

2. Add the Distilled Vinegar and blend until combined.

3. Stream in oil while the blender is running.

4. Add salt and serve


When jarring, boil for 10 minutes with a traditional jarring process.


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